Architect, designer, and theorist, his work is closely identified with the Swedish Modern aesthetic that emerged in 1930s and was widely admired in the decades following the Second World War. In 1932 he made contact with Estrid Ericson, the founder of Stockholm furnishings firm Svenskt Tenn, and two years later emigrated to Sweden where he would work as a chief designer for the company until his death 33 years later. His work came to define Swedish (or Scandinavian) modern design, producing colorful, cozy, and eclectic designs that provided a refreshing alternative to the architectural mainstream of the day and presaged the coming revolt against modernism in the 1960s. (source)
Zbunjujuće lepo! Stvarno, totalna eksplozija motiva i misli kulja u meni! Ej a prethodni post sa smušenim brkom je fantazija! Posebno ona nežnija strana priče... O brkovima sam i ja baš danas postovala pa me potrefilo skrozzz! :D
ReplyDeletee super! ja ga obozavam od kad je google izbacio logo s njegovim motivom pre pola godine. a onda mi se samo sklopila citava prica sa Svenskt Tenn-om. tad sam ustvari povezala da su njihovi dezeni by josef frank :)