Marie Laurencin (1883 – 1956)
je bila francuska slikarka i printmaker. NaWikipedii pronalazim par rečenica o njenom burnom i bučnom životu :
During the early years of the 20th century, Laurencin was an important figure in the Parisian avant-garde and a member of the circle of Pablo Picasso.
She became romantically involved with Picasso's friend, the poet Guillaume Apollinaire, and has often been identified as his muse. In addition, Laurencin had important connections to the salon of the American expatriate and famed lesbian writer Natalie Clifford Barney.
However, neuporedivo jači utisak su, od ovih par boemsko-hipsterskih skandala, na mene ostavile njene meke, penušave slike u koje zurim sa dubokim osećanjem divljenja i smetenosti.

Meki, lelujavi potezi četkicom, uvežbani i laki, i božanstveni slivovi boja. A same dame … okupane u lepoti. Zbunjujuće divne. Čežnjive i romantične, a neodređene i rezervisane, u isti mah.
music: Dionne Warwick - You're Gonna Need Me
vidi njihove oci ,bez senki i boja,a opet "govore"
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