Čarobne fotografije Paulette Tormina-e poseban su omaž still life slikama starih flamanskih majstora. Stari drveni stolovi i tamna pozadina, odakle izranjaju ovi prekrasni prizori izobilja, grade prepoznatljivu atmosferu uz pomoć svetla i senki. Prizori su uverljivi, promišljeni i prostudirani. Detalji poput trulih jagoda, ili nekoliko kapljica vode u vazduhu koje prate skok ribice iz ove činije sa prve slike – nerealni i fantastični.
Retko nailazim na ovakav skill, na ovako ispoliranu tehniku i preciznost. Divim se svakoj njenoj kompoziciji, cenim kako ih gradi, slaže i realizuje, razmeštajući elemente, hvatajući taj milisekund u kome je sve na mestu i sve štima i vodeći se osećajem za estetiku tog vremena (čini mi se da je reč o XVII veku). Sledeći pasus divno ilustruje njenu posvećenost:
Walking the streets of New York City, I look for dead bugs to put in my pictures. Once I found a praying mantis that was intact, and the butterfly that’s in Peonies. I found a huge queen bumblebee that must have bumbled into a passing car. On a recent trip to Nantucket, I found a horseshoe crab. I put it in a box and took it back with me to Manhattan. I had to soak it in my bathtub with Clorox to get rid of the awful smell.
Slika sa jagodama (ispod) takođe ima interesantnu priču.
Paulette objašnjava:
For Strawberries, I spent day and night of the 4th of July weekend just
setting it up. As soon as I had cut the leaves from the stems, they wilted and died, so I had to cut off lots of leaves as replacements. Because it was dead and as dry as a mummy, I had to steam the large insect to soften it so with tweezers I could separate the legs and the antennae that were stuck together. When I placed the lifelike insect in the composition, the strawberry above it came crashing down and broke off one of the antennae. (that would have happened in nature, too, I suppose).
photos are courtesy of
ludilo, kakva čudna energija na fotkama
ReplyDeleteima na sajtu neke sa trešnjama, oh my...
jao, znam, kad sam krenula da slazem post bilo je 30+ fotografija. sve su perfektne i bas mi je drago da si otisla da pogledas njen sajt.
Deletesuper je, na prvi pogled sam mislila da je uljana slika :) ove ribice su fantastisch. ona mu dodje u fotografiji kao zenski moderni karavadjo
ReplyDeletejeste, oboje imaju taj sfumato efekat, i kolorit i dramu. :)