"...I struggle with enormous discrepancies: between the reality of motherhood and the image of it, between my love for my home and the need to travel, between the varied and seductive paths of the heart. The lessons of the impermanence, the occasional despair and the muse, so tenuously moored, all visit their needs upon me and I dig deeply for the spiritual utilities that restore me: my love for the place, for the one man left, for my children and friends and the great green pulse of spring."
Sally Mann

Emmett, Jessie, Virginia
Sorry Game
obozavam portrete ovih klinaca koje je uradila njihova mama Sally Mann, najbolji fotograf ever, odgovorno tvrdim. a sama Sally Mann nije mogla da nadje bolje modele od svoje troje dece, jer ovo je... nestvarno. serija ovih crno-belih fotografija pod imenom "Immediate Family" obuhvata fotografije njene dece za vreme njihovog odrastanja u Virdžiniji, koje su uradjene izmedju '84 i '91. vise o samoj seriji kao i polemikama koje je izazvala, mozete procitati ovde.

Jessie bites
Candy cigarette
danas je Jessie "velika" i zajedno sa svojim partnerom Len Prince-om pravi najneverovatnije autoportrete. Len i Jessie su se upoznali 2001-e. on je bio fotograf koji trazi muzu, a ona "well known doughter and frequent subject for her mother". njihove udruzene snage daju sjajne rezultate koji (in my book) stoje odmah na drugom mestu, iza fotografija Sally Mann.

" The process of giving those characters, and some of myself, to the camera at the moment of exposure was something I revelled in. Modeling was for me a form of both artistic expression and collaborative inspiration. For me, this art is about that dividing line , where my story becomes yours, where - if you agree to see it the way I do - then you have made the art."
Jessie Mann
stvarno divno, sad sam ljubomorna shto nemam ovakve fotke iz detinjstva. jedino da se sad obuchim za fotkanje ili udam za fotografa. obichan childhood album je out :))
ReplyDeletefenomenalne fotke,hvala ti sto si nam ih otkrila!
ReplyDeletemeni one nisu slicne,one od Ruth su mi pune zivota ,a ove su mi tuzne:( mada, da,jesu fenomenalne!!!