(pic via Krys Morgenweck)
Davel F. Hamue je moj jako dobar internet buddy. u pitanju je 24-godisnji ilustrator iz New Jersey-a. pre par dana, odlucili smo da udruzimo snage i da napravimo neku mini prezentaciju njegovog rada, bas ovde na mom blogiću. neka vrsta intervjua, dakle - suva ekskluziva. :)

( what goes through the mind of david lynch)
J: I think it's ok that we start with "Lynch". I have read on your blog that you had some troubling times trying to get this piece done?
DFH: Yeah, it was such a pain in the ass to get this thing done.
It took a lot out of me. During that time I was going through several ruts. One right after another. I'd break out of it and then just hit that wall again. A lot of it had to do with the fact that I didn't have the time I needed to be dedicate to the piece. I wasn't very happy with where I was in my life. So I found myself constantly second guessing my decisions, even questioning if I was capable of doing it or not. It was a nightmare. But eventually I got it done and it's all the better for it. I put a lot of myself into it. Thankfully, I didn't lose any hair.

(M is for Morrissey & Herr Doktor)
J: How do you choose your protagonists? Are they always people that you admire?
DFH : A lot of the subjects I choose are people who I admire or just find interesting in general. When I first started getting serious about my drawings and illustrations, I mainly focused on characters and things of that sort. Eventually when I started experimenting with mixed media I kinda found myself wanting to try something new with this different approach. So that lead me to working on portraits of people who I just thought were really interesting or who were trend setters. Infamous in their time or culture. And I really wanted to express what they were all about without it being so in your face. I think I'm going to go back to my old method and see how that works with what I've learned. The end results should be interesting.

J: What’s with the Jesus on the flyer?
DFH: I love that Jesus flyer.
It's one of my favorites! Well, the origin behind is it's a commissioned piece for a friend of mine who runs a local booking agency for bands within the area. He came to me and wanted something for a flyer, nothing fancy, just something that would catch your eye. And I pretty much had free reign on this so I could have done whatever the hell I wanted. So early on I decided I wanted it to depict a religious symbol of some sort. Originally it was going to be a clash of different religious symbols coming together to become this one entity but I thought that might be a little too blasphemous, even for me. So I just settled on Jesus listened to headphones made from the crown of thorns. The idea was still intact; music equals religion. And I had him gesturing a sign with his left hand which means to listen. So yeah, you can see what I did there.

J: Tell me something more about the circus freak project.
DFH: The circus freaks project came about as a way for me to vent while working on another project. If i was getting frustrated or just needed a break, but didn't want to lose my edge, I would start working on these doodles of circus freaks. There's only 4 so far but I plan on making a lot more. Sort of start a little village and create this world for them to inhabit. I'm even thinking of doing a few as finished pieces. Maybe even do a sort web comic featuring them.
J: how would you describe your style/philosophy in one snappy, shamelessly self-promoting line?
DFH: "Gutter Porn". Which is like avant garde for hobos.
Great interview! I enjoyed reading it and watching this beautiful artwork. :)
ReplyDeletethank you so much!!!