


Christopher Monro DeLorenzo
is a: Designer / Illustrator / Typographer /
Maker of Thoughtful Things / Astronaut of Inner Space.


This illustration was for the Silver Screen Society, a website that chooses a handful or artists every month to design a poster for a specific movie. Since these posters are only web based I decided to create an animated poster based on old wooden pull string toys.


This print is for the Picasso Vs. Matisse print series curated by Alan Campbell. Inspired by Picasso's bull lithograph series from 1945.


Help Ink is a collaborative project, using the sale of premium and exclusive art to help charities in an exciting way. With each purchase you’ll be doing your part to help charitable organizations and individuals around the world. Learn more and purchase this print here.


Design I have made as head designer at Johnny Cupcakes.


Album design for the swinging jazz inflected sounds of Miss Tess. Sweet Talk is her first studio album in three years. All pages are individually hand drawn, each liner note page is custom to contain images and objects that speak to that song. Pictured here is the CD artwork. I also did the vinyl which has a slight different format, but similar art.


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