Diana Beltran Herrera
je papirni mag iz Kolumbije. Njene studije su anatomski precizne, tačne i uz to neodoljive. Tema njenih kolažnih skulpturica su ptičurci… najčešće… Njen Flickr stream otkriva okean drugih zezalica, o kojima nećemo danas.

Diana kaže o sebi:
I have been very curious about this place. I like everything I see and I enjoy being here. There is a lot of information everywhere, in each thing that exists, in everything that has a life, shape & color. Work with paper is temporal and fragile. It’s a process of transformation, the same process that is hidden in the creation itself.

Salida de campo je njena prekrasna kolaboracija sa
fotografom Victoriom Holguin
“We are including the "subject" into a real context that provides us new information about it’s relation with the environment.”

Colibri investigations
“Recently I was reading about the importance of the existence of hummingbirds in the evolution of the plants and the environment as well. It’s interesting to see how 2 different things have an amazing communication that allows them to grow together and cooperate in evolution.”

Studies of movement
Ova serija radova je rezultat studioznog proučavanja ptica, njihovog ponašanja i namera, kroz pokrete.