♥ currently in love with ♥
boje, boje, boje! i njegove mape koje su sa druge planete.
"Hajek decomposes the borders between authenticity and thought, South American folklore, mythology, religion, history, and geography. More than anything else his work explores the opposition between imagination and reality in the context of western cultures."
"A bloody brilliant concept that has currently been entered into the running for the James Dyson Award in the UK. Put simply, this recyclable, disposal and potential reusable device is crafted from cardboard and fully capable of strapping to any size or shape box. Simply peel and stick the handle to the box's top, and slap a pair of rollers on the bottom -- in about three minutes, you've got your very own trolley. Prayers, answered. "
"The ring might look like a tasty little meringue, but unfortunately (or fortunately) they are not made out of egg whites and sugar, but industrial grade silicone, the kind of stuff that's in your bathroom… But lets look at this in detail, shall we? Designed to look just like a little meringue, these rings are
absolutely uber-delish."
gadget love,
home style,
my pick
još desetak dana i krećemo u budimpeštu.
tenzija je jeziva, haos je neverovatan, a stvari se razvijaju bolje i brže nego što bi čovek smeo da sanja. iskreno, tek sad kad sve privodimo kraju, puštam sebe da mi bude i teško. radost je očigledna, to je aksiom, ali tu je i ovo.
i taman kad osetim da mi je previše, prebrzo, rokovi su preblizu, premalo je vremena, previše će mi nedostajati naš stan .... yadda, yadda, yadda - shvatim da ćemo živeti pored najveće i najlepše pijace, u najlepšoj ulici strogog centra, sa plafonima 3,80. naš stan smo izdali dobrim ljudima, i nekako sve je u redu.
bitno mi je da to i ovde da pročitam.
postovi će od danas verovatno biti neuredni, postovaću kad stignem i koliko stignem, i to će manje-više trajati sve dok se ne uselimo tamo i ne sredimo utiske. oni koji samnom pregrme ovaj bumpy road, mogu da očekuju jednu novu posvećenost u jednoj malo intimnijoj varijanti. nadam se da ćemo se skupa radovati kao do sada.
doesn't it?
Villa Julia Cardboard House

bože, kakvo zezanje! u pitanju je, dakle, itsy-bitsy kartonska gajba uz koju se dobijaju i stikeri za dekoraciju. za samo 150 funti , tačnije nekih 230 dolara dobijate ovaj kartonski dom by Javier Mariscal.

My Space

Liya Mairson je autor ovog "cardboard folding play area", koji je po meni ultimativno ... mmmmm?... what's the word? genijalna?... nah... čarobna?... nnnn...ne. nešto veće, bitnije... ultimativno carska stvar! obratite pažnju na policu na zidu. priceless!
dakle - mali, privatan univerzum, nevidljive granice,
to infinity and beyond!!!- što bi reko Buzz Lightyear.
oplemenjeno detaljima - vratanca, prozorče, a možda i polica, kredenac, šta li već. na slapanje i rasklapanje.... little piece of cardboard heaven. gives new meaning to living in a box, doesn't it?
će bottom line biti rubrika o ovim elementima sa strane, ili u našem slučaju: street style, sweet style, home style + my pick , flickr pick & uber cool, uz yes, please & eye cathching. svojevrstan pregled mood-a, ambijenta, atmosfere... omaž prethodnoj nedelji, najava i introduction ovoga što vam sada stoji sa strane, potsetnik - ukoliko vam se nešto dopalo ili ukoliko ste ga propustili.
Jazzy Joint
reinventing Saturday here, in Jazzy Joint with:
• Warm Corn & Prosciutto
- unsalted butter
- 10 ears of corn, stripped from the cob
- half & half
- prosciutto, cut into thin strips
- salt & pepper
1. Melt butter in a large saute pan over medium heat. When it starts to bubble add the corn. Reduce the heat, add the half-n-half and cook over low heat for five minutes, or until corn is just tender.
2. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste and remove from heat. Fold in the prosciutto and allow to cool for 15 minutes. Serve.
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• Red Wine Caramel Cherries
- 1 1/3 cups cherries
- 1/4 cup water
- 1/2 vanilla bean
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 1 star anise pod
- 1 cup fruity red wine
- 4 cups pitted cherries
1. Measure the red wine and set aside at the ready. Measure the sugar In a heavy, nonreactive saucepan. Pour in the water and gently mix with the sugar to create a wet sand consistency. Place a lid on the pot and bring the sugar mixture to a boil over high heat. After two minutes of boiling, remove the lid and continue cooking the sugar mixture while watching closely until it begins to brown. Do not stir at all during this time.
2.When the sugar starts to brown, swirl the pan to encourage even browning. Cook the mixture until it is deep amber, then immediately add the red wine. Stand back away from the pot as much as possible to avoid the splattering.
3. Add the vanilla bean, cinnamon stick, and star anise and cook over medium low, stirring regularly, for about 7 minutes or until the sugar dissolves and mixture thickens and reduces by about 1/2.
4. Add the cherries all at once and cook for about 5-7 minutes more, stirring occasionally, until the cherries taste cooked but still maintain some texture.Serve warm or at room temperature or even cold.
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beautiful food via the family kitchen
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