
♥ currently in love with ♥

chashitsu tetsu
by terunobu fujimori and nobumichi ohshima

"Terunobu Fujimori, a leading historian of modern Japanese architecture, began to design his own architecture in 1990. Since then, he has created a number of original buildings unbound by previous forms or styles, offering continual surprises to the world of architecture."
ilustracije Ella-e Tjader
nemam ništa više da dodam. ovo ispod leaves me breathless.

fotografije Yelena-e Yemchuk
ako budete imali vremena, pročešljajte detaljno njen portfolio... nebrojeno mnogo lepota, trust me on this. od modne fotografije do skoro pa dokumentarne, vrlo vešta u svakom od stilova, dovoljno hrabra da se poigra sa bojama. definitivno u top 5.

music video matchboxes
oduševljena sam ovim projektom!!!!
prague based designer Pavel Fuksa (I know, I know) je dizajnirao set od 178 omota za kutije šibica koje ćete imati priliku da vidite u ovom videu, a na njegovom flickr page-u možete da natenance prelistate šta je on to ustvari radio.

Joe and Duke
najveći carevi ever!
skoro sam na SLUTEVER naišla na ove najkul klince i odlepila. Joe i Duke su blizanci, osmogodišnjaci - deca probably podjednako kul roditelja Pippa-e Brooks i Nathaniel Lee Jones-a. obavezno pročitajte čitav tekst, ja ću vam ovde ostaviti samo delić, čisto da biste mogli da naslutite o kakvim carevima je reč.
"When they’re not busy learning how to read or tie their shoes or whatever it is 8 year olds do, Joe and Duke spend their time chillin’ at the George and Dragon pub in east London, necking shots of apple juice and just generally being cool."

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