There is a lot to love about Daniel Pelavin.
Daniel Pelavin is an illustrator and typographic designer, best know for bold, drafted shapes, unique color palette and a heart of gold with enough love for everybody and then some to spare. Don't let that smug grin fool you, really, he's a sweetheart… *
Priču započinjem sa njegovim kalendarom za 2014, zato što je to bila inicijalna kapisla za ovaj post. Sličice su ispeglane verzije etiketa sa početka dvadesetog veka. Datumi 2014 koincidiraju sa 1930, hence the art nouveau “time travel”.

Istražujući “poreklo” kalendara otkrivam njegov sajt, blog i behance, a onda i okean goodies-a. But first things first. Njegovi fontovi. (Za sve entuzijaste out there, ostavljam i link njegovog jednočasovnog Adobe predavanja “Fonts? We Don't Need No Stinking Fonts!”)

Pa moj omiljeni poster by Mr. Pelavin koji je uradio za klasu učenika kojima je predavao (bilo ih je devetoro, i svi su oni na devetom nebu sad kad su završili škole).

Magazine and book covers, posters... (tons of it, pregledajte ih sve ovde)

I konačno dolazimo do La Société Parisienne de Savons i divnih vintage ambalaža koje je prepravljao, glancao i oplemenjivao tako da odgovaraju sadašnjem trenutku.
The object of this project was to repurpose tattered and barely legible remnants of a bygone age of perfumed toiletries into a contemporary product line featuring elegant packaging that, hopefully, you wouldn't want to hide in your medicine cabinet. And yes, this project does fit in nicely with my lifelong ambition to be a forger and counterfeiter. *

Plus, par detalja sa jednog od njegovih prošlih kalendara (that features designs from the La Société Parisienne de Savons collection). Man, there’s really a lot to love about this guy.
