♥ Burberry & Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Burberry F 2014 RTW je taaako dobra kolekcija da sam odlučila da je spojim sa omiljenim, novim slikarom - Ernst Ludwig Kirchner-om i njegovim pejzažima. Celu Burberry kolekciju pregledajte na Style.com, dok Enstove slike možete da pronađete na WikiPaintings-u ili Flickr-u. Btw, jeste videli ovaj tumblr?

♥ Bill Coperhwaite’s yurt
William Coperthwaite was a teacher, builder, designer, and writer who for many years explored the possibilities of a yurt, a traditional Mongolian home built in a circular fashion. More images here / related video here.

♥ Lauren Rolwing
I njene sjajne fashion ilustracije.

♥ Old Labels
“An old labels from printers sample book, found recently and loved instantly”, found via Present and Correct.

♥ Debbie Powell
Debbie Powell pravi prekrasne shiny mesingane stvarčice, wall hangings, sculptures and stuff… Endless love for all shiny things.

♥ Lady planters from the Sill
Pre nekih desetak dana postovala sam na tumblr-u ove lady saksijice sa the Sill-a, koje su postale instant hit, reblogovane i lajkovane 5 000 puta. Red je bio i da ih uključim u ovaj C.I.L.

♥ Few projects that I loved
Trigonometry by Olivia King & Jazzlab at Google by Jefferson Cheng

♥ Been There, Dürer That
The Art Directors Club je (skoro 95 godina) stara dizajnerska kuća iz New York-a. Na Brand New nailazim na sjajan članak o njihovom novom logou, modernoj interpretaciji Albrecht Dürer-ovog potpisa (i prethodnih logoa).

♥ This photo
A young Marc Jacobs, 1990. Photograph courtesy of the Conde Nast Archives. Btw, jeste čuli za Marc Jacobs Pop Up Tweet Shop?

♥ Nekoliko omiljenih recepata
Prvi red – Some Snacks For Winter Brightness via The First Mess,
dugi red – Peppermint White Chocolate Tart With Candied Mint Leaves, plus An Edible Flower & Salted Caramel Rose Cake via Adventures in cooking

♥ The Conference
Sofie and Nan Na (Hvass & Hannibal) have designed the visual identity for The Conference, a two-day event organised by Media Evolution which will take place in Malmö in Sweden on August 19 and 20.