Utorak je i lazy mode je ON, zato danas imamo jedan brzinski post o Emily Sutton i njenim čarobnim ilustracijama.
Utorak je i lazy mode je ON, zato danas imamo jedan brzinski post o Emily Sutton i njenim čarobnim ilustracijama.
Pre pet godina, Hoda Paripoush pokrenula je Sloane Fine Tea, malo čajno carstvo sa vrlo ekskluzivnom ponudom, upakovanom u najfinija pakovanja.
Hoda, rođena u Indiji, odrasla je pijuckajući čajeve. Vremenom je ovo uživanje preraslo u ozbiljan poziv, s obzirom da se Sloan Tea prodaje u 120 prodajnih mesta širom cele Kanade, gde je njena porodica emigriala 1984, kada je Hoda imala tri godine.
“Being born into a Persian family and having a strong Indian influence growing up, tea was almost exclusively the only beverage consumed in the home. It was the first beverage of the day and the last beverage at night, not to mention the multiple cupfuls consumed during the afternoon.”
Svaki ozbiljan tea aficionado umeće da uživa u njihovoj izuzetnoj ponudi super finih mešavina i egzotičnih ukusa. No, pre nego što pređemo na same čajeve, red je da spomenem i ove predivne metalne kutijice. Pored toga što je direktor komanije i glavni tea sommelier u istoj, Hoda je i dizajnirala ova božanstvena pakovanja za svoje čajeve, inspirisane njenim putovanjima po svetu.
“As an active collector, I’m constantly searching for things that strike a chord and make the heart giggle, to create an emotional response. It might be a discovery in an antique shop in Darjeeling, or an item from a local market. In either case, it has to be meaningful and tell a story.”
Ne bih vas mnogo gnjavila sa pričom kako sam ovde pronašla najčudesnije i najraspevanije kombinacije aroma i ukusa. Možda je najzgodnije da vas lično upoznam sa svojim favoritima. Dakle, pored Almond truffle-a, orhideje i kombinacija koje ste mogli da pročitate sa kutijica tu su i (sa leva na desno) :
2. Rouge Provence / Rooibos, also known as Red Tea, is an anti-oxidant-rich herbal plant from South Africa. This tisane is light and fruity, and will transport you to a summer's day in the South of France where phenomenal and fresh floral notes abound.
3. Oolong Crème / This signature oolong from the Wuyi Mountains in China is said to have come about when the moon fell in love with a comet. The comet passed her by, as comets will do. The moon cried milky tears which chilled the tea fields, withering the leaves and giving them a delicate creaminess.
4. Heavenly cream / A divine tea, full of creamy richness and velvety smoothness- heavenly in every way. A beautiful long leaf Ceylon base, is blended with balanced notes of bergamot and creamy vanilla.
1. Crimson Berry / A stunning crimson coloured infusion is created by this true berry blend. Lush cranberries, blueberries, and elderberries combined with hibiscus, lemongrass and a touch of rooibos, creates an utterly fresh and fruity cup.
2. Citron Chamomile / A calming mélange of Egyptian chamomile, fruits and herbs. This tisane, created by a medley of chamomile flowers, rose hips and subtle slices of citrus fruit creates an enticing balance of tart and sweet. The warmth of Indian Lemongrass rejuvenates the palate and adds depth to this soothing tisane.
3. Masala Chai Classic / Inspired by the bustling streets of Kolcata, this chai would cause a Chai wallah to pour with pride. Blended with high-grade green cardamom, whole cloves, cinnamon, and ginger, this truly authentic blend is sure to warm and satisfy.
4. Jasmine Jade Pearl / The most tender green tea leaves and silvery down-covered buds are gently steamed after plucking, hand-rolled into small "pearls" and scented with fresh jasmine blossoms. This tea from Fujian Province, undergoes a traditional scenting process whereby the tea is married with five times its weight in jasmine blossoms. The flowers blossom in the cool night air and leave behind their lavish and intoxicating fragrance.
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Meni je lično cela ova Sloane priča je divna. Uvek se rastopim nad temeljnim delanjem, istraživanjem, rastom i razvijanjem nekakvog solo poduhvata. Sloan Fine tea sa Hodom Paripoush na čelu, izrastao je za kratkih pet godina u vrlo ozbiljnog igrača. Njihovi ukusi su promišljeni, pakovanja brižljivo osmišljena, sajt besprekoran, opisni tekstovi fini i nedaveći. Čovek tako lako može da se prevari i stekne uticak da je reč o nekakvoj korporaciji a ne o petogodišnjem čedu.
“I’ve never been one to take the easy road, or to be afraid of hard work, but I couldn’t accept the absence of passion in my career. I knew that I would be a poor physician, even on the best of days, if I did not truly love what I did.”
- Boch Frères -
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J. Lohmann Gallery (located on Manhattan's Upper East Side and East Hampton, New York) specializes in 20th century and contemporary design and decorative arts with an emphasis on European designers and art movements. Our diverse range of objects includes designs from some of the most celebrated artists, art schools and manufacturers of the 20th century. In addition, we are proud to present contemporary Studio works of art by widely recognized and highly talented emerging European artists.
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- Sandra Davolio -
- Ernst Wahliss -
- Venini, Murano -
- Hans Theo Baumann for Rosenthal -
- Krautheim & Adelberg’ Art Deco Vases -
- Marcel Guillard -
- Sandra Davolio -
- Two Sèvres Vases -
♥ Hadouken
Alix-Rose Cowie i Kate Desmarais udružile su snage i uradile seriju fotografija Hadouken, svojevrstan twist na Makankosappo temu ( fotografije japanskih školarica i njihovih fake “superhero energy attack” moći).
Zpravo, njegove fantastične šolje. Poslednja sličica je ilustracija Raviliousove Queen Elizabeth II Coronation šoljice by Angie Lewin.
Art Direction & branding project for the Living Co, an old family Organic Trade store, by Big Horror Athens.
Budimpešta ima lanac prefinih prodavnica (Culinaris) gde možete da pronađete ama baš sve što tražite od klope i pića. Ukoliko nešto ne možete da nađete a baš vam se jede / pije, ljudi iz Culinarisa će se pobrinuti da vam sve to dostave u najkraćem mogućem roku, naravno za velike pare. Anyway, u nekom od mojih skorijih pohoda na Culinaris nabasala sam na Pink Gin i liker od zove, by Bitter Truth. Bila je to ljubav na prvi pogled…
Oboooooožavam ovo malo, svetlucajuće, kaktus čudo by Studio Swine!
Nakit Bee de Giacomo divno ide uz artwork Massimiliana Bombae.
Portfolio Ane Mirats je besprekorno ispeglan i decentan. Prelistavala sam satima njen sajtić i odlučila da izdvojim ovde tri omiljena rešenja : Massimo Dutti NY collection 12/13 katalog, Milano Cocktail Party Poster i Balclis posters.
Otkinula sam na ovaj marbleized drveni tronožac Ferréol Babina.
Lazy Tuesday all the way.
♥ HOMME Magazine
John Malkovich na naslovnici njihovog S/S 2013 izdanja. Photo by Juergen Teller. God bless! Hallelujah!
♥ Studio Morros business cards
Meni se do sada nije namestilo da mi vizitke trebaju. However, nosim se mišlju da nabavim jedan ovakav set kako bi ih (samozadovoljno) delila svima onima na koje naletim… Na pozadini bi pisalo – Da, da… Ja sam Jovana i ja sa awesome. Ova precious čuda dizajnirala je Kate Moross, graphic artist / illustrator / art director.
Handcarved from either cherry or kanamemochi with a 100% natural and safe wild sesame oil coating (used as a natural wood treatment in Japan for a very long time). The form of the toothbrush is determined by the natural shape of the wood, which is personally foraged and collected by Yohei both in Australia and Japan. By Japanese wood artist Yohei Murai.