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Ležim u kevetu danima, daaaanima već,
pokošena prehladom 2.0. Posle skoro sedam dana provedenih u zatočeništvu slabog imuniteta, izvukla sam zaključak da je moj najveći neprijatelj u stvari zapušen nos…
Zbog tog zapušenog nosa primorana sam da dišem na usta, to naravno nikako ne prija mom grlu zbog čega dodatno kašljem, od kašljanja me boli glava, od te bolne glave mi je muka, see where I’m going?
Ja sam se oduvek hvalila svojim dobrim nosom. Nije nešto posebno lep, al radi ko car, precizan je i obskbio me je golemim uživanjem u poslednjih par decenija. Ja, znate, uživam u šnjufkanju i duboko verujem da negde u dubini mozga čuvam najraskošniju arhivu mirisnih nota… što me dovodi do današnje teme – “mirisografa”!!
“The Madeleine is, to all intents and purposes, an analogue odour camera. Based on current perfumery technology, The Madeleine works in much the same way as a 35mm camera. Just as the camera records the light information of a visual in order to create a replica The Madeleine records the molecular information of a smell.”
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“Our sense of smell is believed to have a direct link to our emotional memory. It is the sense that we react to most instinctually and also the furthest away from being stored or replicated digitally. From ambient smell-scapes to the utterly unique scent of an individual, our scent memory is a valuable resource yet to be systematically captured and archived.”
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“If an analogue, amateur-friendly system of odour capture and synthesis could be developed, we could see a profound change in the way we regard the use and effect of smells in our daily lives. From manipulating our emotional wellbeing through prescribed nostalgia, to the functional use of conditioned scent memory, our olfactory sense could take on a much more conscious role in the way we consume and record the world.”
courtesy of Amy Radcliffe