Ne umem da sažmem ludnicu predivnih novih informacija koje otkrivam ovih dana, pa ću ih rasparčavati po temama. Današnji c.i.l. je home edition. Nekakav presek trenutnih home aspiracija, sa mini japanskim tvistom. :)
♥ Terunobu Fujimori
Predivnog Terunobu Fujimori-a i čuvene kućice na drvetu (koje izgledaju potpuno nadrealno - evo, procenite sami) spominjala sam u jednom od mojih prvih postova. To je bilo manje-više bile sve što sam o Fujimori-u znala. A onda sam na Dwell-u otkrila neke njegove “more livable” projekte, poput ovog belog muffina sa prve sličice koji kao pečurka viri iz trave.

♥ George Nakashima's home & studio

George Katsutoshi Nakashima je bio američki arhitekta i dizajner nameštaja,
“one of the leading innovators of 20th century furniture design and a father of the American craft movement.
Nakashima’s home, studio and workshop near New Hope, Pennsylvania, was listed on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places in August 2008. It for its architecture and for its association with the artist and furniture maker.”

Njegovo kupatilo, jedan od omiljenih rezulatata pinterest pretrage.
♥ Renzo Piano Building Worshop


♥ Geo Metria by Mount Fuji Architects Studio
Drvo, drvo, drvo and then drvo some more… I drvene grede i drvene shelving units… malo betona i dobar view – recept za uspeh.
“This small modest house with a breathtaking view on the city and bay, is hidden among the trees, which protect it from strong winds. Stunningly simple wooden interior is full of light and merges with the beauty of the outside.”

♥ Villa Mairea by Alvar Aalto

Opet Aalto. Uvek svež! :) Interesantna anegdota vezana baš za Villa Mairea-u, kojoj se danas divim, je da su je bračni par Gullichsens poručili Aaltu kao guest house i dali mu potpuno odrešene ruke.
“They told Aalto that he should regard it as 'an experimental house'. Aalto seems to have treated the house as an opportunity to bring together all the themes that had been preoccupying him in his work to that point but had not been able to include them in actual buildings.”

♥ Private Garden

Jedino što mi nedostaje u mom divnom budimpeštanskom stanu je dovoljno svetla za biljčice. Ultimativni inside greenery - Super green Snog Productions office space designed by Faith Blakeney. Pics by Old Brand New.

♥ Haddon Street townhouses
Za kraj- pravi mali gem, zgrada by Arquitectonica, in Houston TX. Kad živiš ovde, ne možeš da uđeš namrgođen u kuću. <3